Baker Group International Criminal Justice Grant Program was developed in 2003 to assist U.S. law enforcement agencies overcome budget restrictions, and the often times overwhelming costs associated with acquiring and employing operationally efficient truth verification/ credibility assessment system and highly skilled examiners. We provide your agency any desired number of Digital Voice Stress Analysis (DVSA) software copies without cost. DVSA installs into your existing laptop computers thus saving precious resources. With this Grant Program you save the cost of software. That’s $9950.00 saving for each software copy. Your only cost is 5-day Board Certified Examiner Course tuition at $1,795.00. Annual one-day re-certification training may be earned via distance learning or on-site class attendance – tuition is $350. WE ARE NOT GREEDY. This Criminal Justice Grant Program will continue through 2024. For further information, please contact Dr. E. Gary Baker.
Innovation never stops at Baker Group International
Voice Stress Analysis and voice biometrics innovation at Baker Group never stops. It is the lifeblood of our firm, enabling us to provide breakthrough technologies that ensure the greatest possible credibility assessment software for you and your colleagues.
This is why we are extremely proud of our latest breakthrough – the DVSA v6+ software. An innovation that will change the way you and your agency view forensic voice analysis, voice spectrograph and credibility assessment technology.
More importantly, our law enforcement clients love it. In user reviews our DVSA received overwhelmingly positive response on ease of use, Voice Analysis Scoring Tool (VAST) for chart conclusion verification, Voice Spectrograph for speech identification and comparison, unique Chart AutoReport function which writes reports in the background, and overall performance.
Baker’s software features and benefits are far superior to other VSA systems. Get the new DVSA v6+.
P.O.S.T. Certification
Georgia, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois along with the Louisiana Stress Analysts Board either certifies training, instructors, or accepts the Baker DVSA / Board Certified Examiners Course for P.O.S.T. credits. In most states agency in-service training allows officers to receive continuing education or college credits as well as seek reimbursement for the cost of the training and in some cases, for room and board and travel expenses. VSA Courses and instructors are certified by the American Polygraph and Voice Stress Association (APAVSA) and the International Society of Stress Analysts (ISSA). Unlike other VSA associations, these two societies are truly international in scope with world-wide members and chapters. ISSA was incorporated in New York in 1974 and APAVSA registered in Florida in 2002.
Unlike our competitors, Baker DVSA is Restricted for Use only by Law Enforcement, Security Investigators, Government Agencies and Military units. For the protection of government agents DVSA is not available to the general public.
DVSA Law Enforcement Certified Examiner Course is certified By the Illinois Law Enforcement Standards and Training Board and the Indiana Law Enforcement Training Board.
60 TOTAL HOURS: 40 classroom, 10 homework, 10 practicum.
History & Development of “Detection of Deception”
- Early experiments and instruments.
- Kymograph, mechanical polygraph, electronic polygraph.
- Psychological Stress Evaluator. (PSE) 1970.
- Lippold’s Micro-tremor.
- Validation Studies of VSA.
- Standardized chart analysis of VSA instruments. Mark II, (and instruments utilizing “amplitude” as criterion.)
- Verimetrics Computer Voice Stress Analyzer, McQuiston. 1984.
- Computerized polygraph.
- Diogenes, Lantern, 1995. First laptop VSA.
- Baker- DVSA, A far superior system.
50 Years of Validation Studies of VSA
- The early DEKTOR Studies regarding the Psychological Stress Evaluator (PSE) 1970s & 1980s. First commercial VSA.
- U.S. DoD VSA Study – Ford, 1971. 100% valid.
- DoD Kubis Study of VSA & Polygraph. Army withheld payment as study “flawed.”
- University of Kentucky, Carnahan Crime Conference Study, 1974, Dr. John Heisse, MD, President of International Society of Stress Analysts.
- Chapman Study – PSE, 1988.
- Chapman Study “Revisited” of PSE, Mid-2000s.
- Other Independent Professional Studies.
- U. S. Air Force, Rome Laboratory , Rome, NY. VSA Studies. 2001 through 2005. VSA 100% valid. Phase One, Phase Two, Study of Noise in VSA. Baker DVSA used in this study since only DVSA displays the audio baseline in resulting charts.
- VSA (Baker DVSA) validation. Dr. Baker conducted training courses regarding generic VSA, DVSA, and Computer Polygraph to members of the USAF study team.
- Validation studies relating to Baker-DVSA.
- U. S. DoD Studies.
- Dr. Palmatier’s APA presentation.
- U. S. DoDPI study of Truster (LVA).
- U of FL study of VSA & LVA.
- U of Oklahoma study of VSA & Truster (LVA).
- American Polygraph Assn. position on VSA.
- International Society of Stress Analysts DVSA validation.
- American Polygraph And Voice Stress Association – DVSA validation.
The “Science” of Truth Verification Utilizing DVSA
Review of DVSA Instrumentation and Operational Demonstration-Practicum
Simplified Chart Analysis
- Seventeen chart analysis quantifications.
- Twelve psychophysiological phenomena displayed with DVSA
- Identification of Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated cloned / mimicked speech. DVSA is the only voice stress analyzer capable of identification of such. AI can clone speech from only three seconds of real speech.
The “Art” of Truth Verification with DVSA
Truth Verification Examining
Question Formulation
- Relevant Issue Questions
- Irrelevant Questions
- Sacrifice Relevant Questions
- Symptomatic Control Questions
- Control Questions
- Directed Lie Control (Least effective)
- Probable Lie Control
- Universal Control
Chart Analysis, Interpretation & Practicum
Preparation for Testing
Conducting the Pretest Interview (Pre-test phase)
Removing Defensive Barriers to Success
- Formulation of test questions from available data and the pretest.
- Written Statement Content Analysis
Actual Testing (In-test phase)
16 various test protocols found in DVSA drop- down window.
- Pre-employment Screening / Universal Control Law Enforcement Test. ADA compliant.
- Specific Issue Testing
- Periodic Testing
- Remote Analysis Technique / Use by interviewers, uplink / downlink audio for analysis.
- Internet Crimes Against Children matters
- Post-conviction Sex Offender Tests & screening procedures.
Post-Test Phase
- Post-test interview
- Interrogation phase / various methods.
Examiner’s opinion
- Deception Indicated
- No Deception Indicated
- Pre-employment – Screening results.
- “The subject was unable to resolve all of the issues regarding __________.”
- ” The subject was able to resolve all of the issues presented.”
- Writing the final report and use of AutoReport DVSA feature.
Specialized Testing Procedures
Interview and Interrogation
Five Steps of Kinesic Theory
Review of Nine Steps of REID Technique
US Military Methods of Interrogation
The Art of Covert and Narrative Statement Analysis
- BAKER – DVSA capability of displaying & charting the entire narrative statement not just one word answers. Analysis of TRUTHFUL utterances.
- Types of loss, crimes, investigations, “cold” cases.
- Investigative techniques.
- Formulation of questions.
- Technical surveillance and intercepts.
- Telephone interview techniques.
- Use of covert audio recorders.
- Use of VSA techniques by investigators.
- Charting and analysis.
- Report writing.
ONLY DVSA CAN DISPLAY TIMED ANTAGONISTIC RESPONSE ALETHEOMETER (TARA), because only DVSA is capable of displaying the examiner’s questions, audio baseline and answers in the Amplitude Modulation window. Prevaricators are slower in answering questions 85% of the time.
ONLY DVSA CAN IDENTIFY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) MIMICKED / CLONED SPEECH. AI can mimic or clone speech from only 3 seconds of original speech. DVSA can identify that cloned speech.
Polygraph Countermeasures & Demonstration
Final Exam
Award of Certificate, APAVSA Membership
Re-certification day is Thursday of each Certified Examiner Course schedule.
Courses offered may include: DVSA Truth Verification Examiner Course, Behavior Analysis, Interview & Interrogation, or Detecting AI Cloned / Mimicked Speech. Course locations and dates subject to change without notice.
March 10-14 | Denver, CO Metro Glendale Police Department |
March 4-8 | New Orleans, LA (Law Enforcement only) |
April 21-25 | Guatemala City, Guatemala |
May TBA | University of Georgia-Athens Police Department (UGA) and SE Asia |
July / August TBA | Atlanta, GA |
July 7-11 | Merida, MX and SE Asia / Denver, CO |
August 12-16 | Louisiana, USA |
September TBA | Chatham County Sheriff’s Office, Savannah, GA |
September 15-19 | Merida, Mexico / Kansas City, MO |
October 14-18 | Dallas, TX / Council Bluffs, IA (Omaha, NE) |
November TBA | New Orleans, LA |
December 8-12 | Nuevo Leon, Mexico / Indianapolis, IN (Indianapolis Metro) |
One-day advanced re-certification courses are presented for any examiner using any VSA system, regardless of the manufacturer, which displays derived stress patterns for analysis of psychological stress.
Contact Baker Group International for complete information.
Baker Group International Voice Stress Analysis training syllabus is conducted by Dr. Baker or presented by select associates.
Law Enforcement User Comments
Chief Thomas Scully, Orland Hills Police Department, Orland Hills, IL.
“As a police chief with more than 20 plus years of service, I have attended countless training classes. By far, this class was the most valuable. The material presented along with the instructor’s subject knowledge and experience make this a “must take” course for anyone charged with investigating crimes. The time and money spent were well worth it. The most informative and interesting class I have attended.”
Det. Sgt. Brian Jackson, Bloomingdale PD, Bloomingdale, GA
The DVSA test is extremely effective for interviews, employment (screening), all purposes, etc.
Capt. Bobby Irvin, Chatham County Sheriff’s Office, Savannah, GA
Love this software. I have done almost 250 tests since certification (2017) and I am highly pleased and impressed with the effectiveness of this investigative tool.
Det. Randall Lindler, Pooler PD, Pooler, GA
(DVSA) has been a very effective tool. The more it is used the better I am able to evaluate subjects. Used on approximately 38 pre-employment examinations.
Ron Kramer, CEMS, CPO, CPP- F, M/Sgt Deputy Sheriff, (Ret.) Indian River CO, FL
“I would like to take an opportunity to recommend Dr. Gary Baker. I met Gary through ASIS Space Coast Chapter….and our backgrounds and personalities clicked. Given Dr. Baker’s background and his innovative ability to think outside the box; he has given the VSA industry a true “shot in the arm”. I would recommend Dr. Baker and his company for any project you have in mind. He is a true patriot and professional…
Criminal Investigator, USAF – Security Forces Squadron / Security Forces Office of Investigations
“I used the system (DVSA) for a number of different criminal interviews within Security Forces Investigations (SFOI) and OSI, where we thought the individual was lying. So far it has been a great success. On some occasions the mere asking to submit to this test has been enough to get them to confess, very nice indeed.”
M. Plummer, Director. PIB Investigations, Syracuse, NY
“I have been actively involved with the administering and analyzing of voice stress examinations since 1974, and have utilized the PSE, Diogenes Lantern, Mark II and various other voice stress analyzers. Your Digital Voice Stress Analyzer (DVSA) surpasses all other systems I have encountered. You have developed a professional, reliable, disciplined and viable voice analysis system and have set high standards in the field of our profession.”
Dale Smith, Capt., Criminal Investigations Division, Ouachita Parish Sheriff’s Office and LA Department of Corrections, Monroe, Louisiana
“Ouachita Parish Sheriff’s Office and LA Department of Corrections, Youth Services Investigations. I’m having difficulty describing the new DVSA system, but the best word that comes to mind is “Eureka!” It offers many advantages over what we’ve had in the past. Having been an examiner since 1974, I’ve used everything from a PSE-1 to the PSE-2000. The DVSA is portable, requires NO mechanical manipulation, NO adjustment of volume controls and all test recordings and charts are automatically saved to the computer hard drive until such time they are deleted. The DVSA is simplicity personified. Having been an examiner for many years, I initially felt that I only needed transitional training to DVSA. Instead, I took the 60 hour training course and readily discovered that it was exactly what I needed. The course was targeted toward the new DVSA program and covered all aspects and recent advancements in forensic voice stress analysis. The four examiners from our department, who took the course, are all well pleased with the results they are now getting. Many thanks for your help.”
ShaBrodrick Jones, Arson Investigator, Monroe FD, Monroe, LA
“The Monroe Fire Department has utilized DVSA for years. I personally was certified in 2017 by Dr. Baker and was amazed at the amount of information taught during the course. You not only learn how to use the software, but are instructed on some of the best techniques for interview and interrogation. Dr. Baker’s DVSA program is very user friendly and compatible with just about any PC that’s out today. We utilize DVSA for pre-employment background checks, internal affairs investigations, and fire/arson investigations. I would recommend this program to anyone needing a valuable tool to assist in reaching the goal of truth seeking and fact finding.”
Ed. Note: Monroe Fire Department has utilized DVSA since 2004. Four Arson Investigators and one administrator have been trained.
Law Enforcement Analyst, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, Law Enforcement Analysis Facility, National Law Enforcement & Corrections Technology Center
“The DVSA is working nicely. I am using it as the primary for waveform…”
Marvin “Bud” McCorkle, President, International Society of Stress Analysts. Interim President, American Polygraph & Voice Stress Association. Chief of Police (Ret.), Ingalls PD. Former President, National Association of Chiefs of Police
“I have had the opportunity to use and study the Baker-DVSA on numerous testing situations. I have found the derived stress patterns of the same-recorded utterances from the Baker-DVSA, Lantern, and the PSE –101 are essentially the same from all three instruments… Based on this comparison in the use of these three instruments for charting purposes, as a Certified Stress Analyst, and President of the International Society of Stress Analysts, it is our opinion that any previous validation study conducted with the PSE , Verimetrics, and Lantern would also be applicable to the Baker-DVSA, by ISSA.”
Insurance Claims Investigators, United Kingdom
“[We] researched the opportunities worldwide of systems which use the science and selected DVSA as technically the most advanced, whilst adaptable (i.e. your willingness to develop the system to suit the UK requirements).”
Dwayne Stanton, Detective (Ret), D.C. Metro Police Department, Homicide Div., Washington DC.
“As far as I am aware of, I am the only person that has been trained by the three (3) leading companies that manufacture and distribute Voice Stress equipment/programs.
I can say unequivocally, Dr. Baker’s program is one that surpasses all others. Dr. Baker has been successful in developing a program that a trained examiner can employ with ease and also be accurate. The training is so fluid and presented in a way that I have never witnessed in my 25+ years in law enforcement.
Dr. Baker has surely taken the world of Digital Voice Stress Analysis to another level by not only keeping up with today’s needs, but providing tomorrow’s’ needs, today.”
Detective Doug Lamz, Algonquin PD, Algonquin, IL
“We have been using the DVSA and having good results. Probably the best DVSA case we have had so far was this:
Citizen reports that several of his vehicles (work trucks) were burglarized and that a lot of tools and equipment were taken. Very little physical evidence was recovered and of course the victim had no serial numbers for any of the missing items. When asked about suspects, the victim named a former employee who had also been dating his daughter, and who had left on bad terms. The victim also seemed fairly certain that this person was the offender.
The assigned detective followed up on that angle and interviewed the former employee. Unfortunately the former employee could not provide any alibi for himself and actually stated that he wished he had committed the thefts because the victim owed him money; thus he could not be excluded from suspicion.
The suspect was adamant that the he did not commit the thefts and agreed to a DVSA examination. I gave the suspect three DVSA exams using the GQT format. All three tests clearly showed “no indication of deception”, and the suspect was eliminated. As it turned out, the real thieves were caught about six weeks later and confessed to the crime during their interviews-the original suspect had nothing to do with it.
All of my DVSA tests so far have been substantially similar in that we have been using it to eliminate possible suspects rather than using it to induce confessions from known offenders.”
Agent, South Africa Revenue Service, Illicit Income Unit
“Your training is absolutely fantastic! Although our recent class was intensive it was yet easy to understand and the topics are easy to implement. Our use will be primarily covert in nature. Look forward to using this new FVAS technology (ExpertosVSA from Vintotron) a great deal.”
Inv. Chris Smith, Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, Criminal Investigation Division, Jefferson, Ga. 30549, (706)367-6020
“Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the training you provided last week. I really enjoyed it and found it to be some of the most informative training I have attended. We know this is going to be a great benefit to our agency and are in the process of implementing its use. . Again Thanks for everything and I look forward to attending more of your training in the future.”
Zack Kendall, Security Specialist, North Carolina Division of Prisons Security Services, 831 W. Morgan St., Raleigh, NC 27699-4281
“There is such a high demand for DVSA exams, you would not believe it! Everyone up and down the chain of command loves the DVSA program.”
Inv. Quinton Mewborn, Morehouse Parish Sheriff’s Department
“This (DVSA) tool has been very helpful in our agency for many years and we look forward to updates.”
Officer T. Colander, Johnsburg Police Department, Johnsburg, IL
“Thanks again for your great support of your software and training. I appreciate your quick response to my situation. Have a great day and drive on.”
(Former Fire Investigator) /Fire Chief Todd Smith / West Monroe Fire Dept., Monroe, LA
“I am a new examiner of the Baker DVSA system and let me say I should have done this a long time ago. My father has been an examiner for 35 years and my wife was certified DVSA in 1998. Both of them are in Law Enforcement and I am in Fire Investigations. I have observed them using the DVSA system and noticed how simple it appeared to perform a test compared to the old days when my father had me hooked to wires and such. Until I took the course I hadn’t realized how simple it really was to use. The system is totally portable, sets up in no time and charts are automatically saved to the computer. I think this program is now the most valuable tool in my box.”
Detective Scott A. Warren, Lake Zurich Police Dept., 200 Mohawk Trail, Lake Zurich, IL 60047
“Dr. Baker, I will keep in touch, and recommend the DVSA program. It proved invaluable in a recent investigation. Our Village … Director staged a burglary to his office, and reported money belonging to the … program was taken (didn’t do a very good job, hence the DVSA). The tests clearly showed DI. I interrogated him for about 45 minutes, and got him from strong denials to a full confession. He was terminated from Village employment, and charged w/ Theft and False Police Report.
In his exit interview, he tried to say he was innocent, and (that) I coerced (his) confession. I am very happy I followed your advice to audio record the entire interview!”
Zack Kendall, Security Specialist, NC Division of Prisons Security Services
831 W. Morgan St., Raleigh, NC 27699-4281 Phone: (919) 838-3569
“The DVSA program in our agency is highly thought of and heavily relied upon, thanks to all of you- your efforts have not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.”
NOTE: NC DoC purchased 15 DVSA systems, DELL Laptop computers and trained 17 examiners.