Baker & Associates
Baker & Associates was established in 1975 and grew to become the Plains States’ most respected corporate investigative and loss prevention firm. Baker specialized in conducting legal investigations, truth verification examinations, vetting & psychological screening for law enforcement & nuclear power generating facilities, and labor / anti-racketeering consulting. E. Gary Baker was a pioneer in Voice Stress Analysis development, working closely with the three inventors and early examiners in the 1970’s.
Baker Group International
Baker Group International was established in 2002 with a dedicated team of skilled individuals sharing a common vision – to develop and distribute the finest, state-of-the-art, voice stress analysis system to law enforcement, governments, military & intelligence units while offering outstanding training and service with integrity and value. Former NASA and IBM computer programmers and government military operators having TOP SECRET Security Clearances continue to update Digital Voice Stress Analysis (DVSA). Today Baker Group International associates continue to share that same commitment to developing far superior voice stress analysis systems. Many of Baker’s associates have over 25 years of experience in voice stress analysis within law enforcement or military. Our team is devoted to improving VSA for every agency who utilizes credibility assessment or truth verification methods.
- Privately owned American company.
- Far superior technology.
- No “inconclusive” results as in polygraph.
- DVSA software developed in the USA not in Russia, Ukraine, or France as our competitors.
- Stellar international reputation for over 48 years.
- Recognized as a Voice Stress Analysis pioneer and industry leader since 1974.
- Founder is VSA “Certified Analyst” by examination and peer review from the International Society of Stress Analysts.
- Founder is practicing polygraph examiner since 1988.
- Founder coined the term “PolyStress”, the use of polygraph and Voice Stress Analysis in tandem in 1988.
- Legendary client service.
In this day of corporate conglomerates having sales focus on other than law enforcement and companies who are out of touch with real-world law enforcement issues, Baker takes pride in maintaining its independence. An American privately-owned and operated company, Baker has established itself as a truly global organization with loyal and satisfied clients, worldwide, in not only voice stress analysis but also Interview & Interrogation training and corporate internal investigations.
Baker Group International is comprised of former military, law enforcement, and intelligence professionals — a unique team of international experts with decades of experience in providing intelligence, credibility assessment, strategy and planning support, risk and threat management, decision support, crisis response, psychological analysis & selection vetting and personal security team training for individuals, global corporations and governments.
Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to develop and offer the very best tools and solutions to provide law enforcement, military and intelligence units with accurate testing for Truth Verification and Credibility Assessment.